
Our reality is like a straight line, we grow up emulating what our forefathers have designed over the years but then again it’s also encompassed like pi it’s a recurring cycle. Whereby we are born, we lived, we saw and eventually we transcend onto the next life where the cycle is repeated. The paradoxical nature of reality is an enigma. In as much as we believe left is left or up is up the only sure way to break from reality is our own perception of how we want to view it.


What happens when two sets of parallel lines meet they collide and create a perpendicular line and the same applies to our vast –verse when worlds collide reality is distorted what we know begins to be questioned. The sun becomes the moon, the sky becomes the earth and it’s all just confusing to the fragile mind but an idea that we will eventually accept. Alternate realities are upon our midst but we roll around the idea at arm’s length for the complexity of it is almost incomprehensible.


As we try to unhinge ourselves from the reality we know and decipher as to whether there are truly other worlds out there we essentially welcome augmented reality. With our tools such as the telescope that literally allows our optical nerves to swallow the macro and this is where the mainline of time and space meet. We’re then left to beckon and surrender to our cosmos for the resplendence of the infinite aligns with agitating consciousness that sees the big picture.


Poem and Photography By



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