
  Who are we individually? What makes you different from the next if we’re all working towards the same reality – death! Ideally we will become food for worms but we continue to work for ‘ them’ whoever they are… We go through the education system because it’s what we know but why learn in school yet we are self-perceiving beings able to think for ourselves. Ever wondered whether you’ve had an original thought or does what we see drive our train of thought? Essentially the system makes us think the same so how then can we optimize ourselves.? How do we reach our optimum intellectual capacity?


  Now back to the matter at hand the questions can come when we’re ready for the answers. To unhinge from the rigidity we were born into we must make our own system. Find your passion, embrace it and what that does is it collapses the system and creates individuals we become who we were destined to be. Ideally the system makes us all think the same indeed a harsh reality, but wait imagine a world without the system, a world where you can be who you want to be and not someone dictating who you should be, is it a better world… It’s unknown for our reality is the system we’ve grown up in.


  The shocking revelation of it all is we are somehow unaware of our true potential I believe it is possible to make our fantasies become reality you can do anything and I mean anything if you believe in your true self. We’ve created the complex Hubble Space Telescope to the simplicity of a pair of socks, our minds are curious and a marvelous creation that cannot be explained as much as it cannot explain itself. Let’s broaden our horizons, lets take the leap, lets create our own system then we can truly say we’ve lived!


Poem and Photography By



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